Monday, March 14, 2011


1. Drink water
2. Train low intencity before breakfast
3. After you’ve eaten do high intencity cardio
4. Avoid refined sugar
5. Avoid complex carbs
6. Don’t eat within two hours of dinner
7. Train with weights
8. Do some light cardio after dinner
9. Eat fruit
10. Eat vegetables
11. Increase protein foods like meat, fish, eggs, etc.
12. Take a multivitamin
13. Take a cod liver oil supplement
14. Run hills and climb stairs
15. Increase your intensity each workout


Eat leafy green vegetables

Keep active inbetween workout sessions

Swap your work chair for a fitness ball

Keep fitness equipment like dumb bells, etc. in every room of the house

Find someone to train with in the mornings

Find someone who is better than you at fitness to train with

Make fruit a whole meal instead of a snack

Replace television with active past times like walking, etc.

Join a sport team or a fitness class

Experiment with martial arts and tai chi and yoga

If you are doing weight training and cardio, do the weight training first

Choose cardio exercises that work the whole body, not just the legs

Try not to mix fats and carbs in the same meal (ie cheese and pasta)

Avoid coffee as it leads to bad diet habits

Drink green tea for its health and antioxidant properties

Drink more water

Drink even more water

Make committments to train with different people at different times in the week to keep active

Take the stairs instead of the lift no matter how you are feeling

Park your car further away from your destination or get off the bus early

Make a big pot of vegetable soup on the weekend and eat it for snacks during the week

We are beautiful at any Size...What do you Call Fat...

What is considered Plus size or ideal weight?By some size 12 and above is considered Fat.Its a lot of pressure to be thin,its a lot pressure in being obese.The modeling industry and cosmetic industry go to far in my opinion.I'm losing weight just for me no one else.I got my first i hate you email last night.I just want to say to anyone who reads this I do this for me no one else.If your happy with your self that's good you feel good about you.My blog is for me,and for people who would like some of my tips on my weight loss adventure.I lost a lot of weight quickly because i wanted to see quick results.I'm not telling anyone they had to do it my way.So Thanks.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tighter buns, thinner thighs

BY doing a few simple exercises and by eating properly, you can have the hard body you've always dreamed of. Not only can women improve their physical profile, but men can too, developing thighs and buns that will bring compliments all year long.
The secret, experts say, is to put aside workout myths and focus on the reality of weight training and cardio, which more specifically means that cardio can do more than bum fat, and you may be able to work your lower body more than two or three times a week. Popular exercises, such as squats and lunges, can be integrated into a total workout that improves your rear view and your attitude. And an increasing number of workout machines allow you to focus on desired areas.

The first thing to understand about focusing on certain body parts is that while it's not possible to spot-reduce, it is possible to spot-tight-en, spot-tone and reshape, you burn fat througout the entire body.
"When we talk about reduce, we're generally talking about lowering body fat in a particular area, and you can't 'spot' that," he says. "If you regularly work one area of the body, you can spot-tighten and spot-tone and get greater definition and muscle tone in that area.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Even foods which are genuinely healthy can lead to an unhealthy you and me if we consume too much of them. If we eat only healthy fresh, whole foods but consistently consume twice what our body needs (in terms of our energy requirements), we’ll get fat. If we’re fat, we’re at greater health risk. Simple. Obviously, what types of food we eat is an issue, but for many of us, how much we eat is the biggest issue. Not only are we the sit-down generation but we are also the over-eating generation. We have an incredible ‘skill’ for putting food in our mouth that our body doesn’t need. Our want over-rides our need and the net result is… obesity.
Here’s a few common food options that trip plenty of people up:
1. Seeds and Nuts. Yep, healthy. Except of course when you’re eating a bucket of cashews before lunch. Nuts are a quality natural food, but they are also very high in fat (good fat) and calories. When it comes to eating nuts, weigh or count what you’re putting in your mouth. Freestyle (unconscious) eating of nuts ain’t a great strategy when it comes to creating and maintaining your best body. Unless of course, you wanna weigh four hundred pounds soon. Most nuts are more than fifty percent fat.
2. Fruit Juice. Not all juice is juice. Some fruit juices are in fact fruit ‘drinks’ with as little as five percent fruit juice in them. Read those labels carefully. When you do find the real deal, consume it in moderation. Lots of calories and lots of sugar mean that we don’t want to be using fruit juice as our sole means of hydration. They have this thing now called water. Apparently it’s great. Interestingly, a glass of fruit juice has about the same amount of sugar and calories as a glass of soft drink (soda). A healthier type of sugar (fructose) of course, but sugar nonetheless.
3. Fruit Smoothies. The term ‘healthy smoothie’ can be an oxymoron with some smoothies (from well-known outlets here in Oz) having as many as 600 calories and 70 grams (14 teaspoons) of sugar. Wanna get fat? Throw down a couple of those bad boys each day.
4. Dried fruit. We take out the water, we leave the sugar and the calories and we’re left with dried fruit. A very energy-dense food. Fresh fruit is a much (much, much) better option. Compare 100 grams of fresh apricot (40 calories) with 100 grams of dried apricot (over 250 calories). Same weight, very different calories. If you’re going to eat dried fruit, do it sparingly.
5. Muffins. Somehow (not sure why), some people consider a muffin to be a healthy snack. Let’s be clear… it’s not healthy; it’s cake. It’s (typically) white flour, sugar, egg and some form of fat. Parents who (constantly) feed their kids muffins are irresponsible and pushing their offspring towards obesity.
6. Salads. Just the word ‘salad’ wreaks of health, vitality and goodness, doesn’t it? If only it were true. As a rule, the only salad you wanna eat is the one you make yourself with fresh ingredients and little or no dressing. Not all, but many salads that you buy when eating out are laced with high-fat dressings and high-sugar sauces. A Caesar salad can easily contain 50-60 grams of fat (the same as two Big Macs).
7. Muesli bars. The majority are high fat, high-sugar, high-calorie crap. Avoid them.
8. Toasted muesli. Like raw muesli but more calories, more fat and not as good for you. Go the raw option.
9. Sports drinks. A.K.A coloured water with sugar. Unless you’re an athlete who needs to replenish your depleted glycogen stores because you’ve just completed a massive training session, drink some water instead.
10. Protein bars. Some are okay but not many. Most are high in preservatives, interesting chemicals, calories and fat. Some are laced with artificial sweeteners and who knows what the long-term consequences of those will be. Many protein bars have a similar calorie and fat content to a Mars bar (of comparative weight). Read the labels and choose wisely if you must have one, but keep in mind that you can find protein in better places. Apparently there’s a new high-protein product on the market; they call it the ‘egg’. If you get a chance, check one out.
11. Cereal. In Australia, the vast majority of supermarket cereals are high-sugar, processed crap. Most of the popular cereals (in terms of sales) live somewhere in the twenty to thirty five percent sugar range. Great for the dentists, not so good for our kids. Or you. Look on the back of the pack and as a rule, the less ingredients, the better. My preferred cereals? Oats, raw muesli, Oat Brits, Vita Brits (or similar), unprocessed bran. The more natural and unprocessed, the better. My daily breakfast? Three Oat Brits (no I’m not sponsored), fifty grams of raw Muesli, thirty grams of unprocessed bran, skim milk. Or porridge (oats) and fresh fruit.
12. Flavoured rice cakes. Some people live on these things. I have to admit that I am partial to the odd flavoured rice cake. Unfortunately they have about as much nutritional value as eating your toenails. There’s a thought. Very processed and very high in sodium (salt).
13. Low-fat ice-cream. As with many other low-fat products, the lack of fat is usually compensated for with additional sugar. Won’t kill you but keep it to a minimum.
14. Low-fat frozen dinners. Apart from the fact that they’re tiny, expensive and taste like cardboard (in my opinion), they’re also jammed with preservatives and sodium. Apart from that, they’re fantastic.
15. Vegetarian meals. Some people assume that if a meal is vegetarian, it’s automatically healthy. Erroneous assumption. Some vegetarian meals are fantastic. Some are high in fat. Some are healthy. Some are not. Some vegetarian meals contain plenty of oil and other high fat ingredients like coconut milk. By the way, one cup of coconut milk contains fifty seven grams(!!!) of fat – more than most of us should consume in an entire day. Don’t avoid vegetarian food but know what you’re putting in your mouth.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How to Prevent Late Night Snacking

Here are some things you can do to keep from late night snacking.Protein Shakes,rather than pulling out a bag of chips.Believe me once you have swallowed a full glass of good quality protein shake powder and skim milk you won't feel like eating a thing. On top that you will be helping your muscles repair as you sleep,which can help increasing your lean muscle and improve your metabolism.

Often when you late night snack you feel too sick in the morning to eat breakfast because you are still feeling full. Remember you should be aiming at around 3 to 4 small meals a day to prevent you from late night snacking.

Find other things to do green tea curbs my appetite but now i don't have late night cravings.
Sugar free gum is my best friend.

Read the labels on your food if you have a snack try some grapes or grapefruit,banana ,100 calorie popcorn.

I don't eat after 6pm but i get at 5am by 6am I'm eating breakfast.

Every four hrs i eat.I only eat two big meals my breakfast and dinner,2 snacks a day and yogurt for calcium.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Does Chewing Gum Help Curb Appetite?

Curbs Appetite

  • Chewing gum helps curb appetite and control weight. It is an easy and inexpensive way to ease appetite urges. The muscular chewing action simulates eating and studies indicate this may send a message to the brain that the body has eaten. Substituting a low calorie gum for a high calorie snack usually takes the mind off eating. Chewing gum helps reduce stress and eases tension. For people who eat from stress, the gum curbs the appetite by relaxing nerves. Reaching for chewing gum may distract the mind from impulsive eating and curb appetite by offering oral satisfaction to the mind and taste buds.

  • Cuts Hunger and Calorie Intake

  • Several studies in the United States and Britain indicate chewing gum reduces hunger and controls appetite. People who chewed gum between meals ate fewer snacks and felt hungry less often. Researchers in England tested the effects of chewing gum on snacking. Participants who chewed two sticks of gum after lunch, either regular or sugar-free, ate fewer snack calories than those who did not chew gum. They ate fewer sweet and salty snacks. One study at the Mayo Clinic indicates that chewing sugarless gum burns 11 calories an hour and can help a person lose weight.

  • Ways to Use Gum to Curb Appetite

  •  Chew gum instead of snacking when you are bored. Try different flavors of gum in place of a sweet snack. When cooking a meal, chew gum to avoid munching on the meal while cooking. Keep gum handy for between meal snacks. Chew a piece to mark the end of the meal. When stress triggers snacking, chew gum to help relieve the tension. Chew gum before a restaurant meal to cut back on bread and appetizer snacking.

  • Problems of Sugarless Gum and Weight Loss

  • Health problems can occur with the excessive use of chewing gum to suppress appetite and lose weight. Sorbitol is a sweetener used in sugar-free gum, toothpaste and some low-calorie sweets. In excess amounts, sorbitol can cause extreme weight loss and diarrhea leading to hospitalization. Some cases of serious weight loss and health problems occurred when patients consumed 20 or more pieces of sorbitol-sweetened gum per day. The ingredient is poorly absorbed by the body and may cause digestive problems. Sorbitol has a laxative effect. It is considered safe in small quantities.

  • Saturday, February 5, 2011

    Lose 10lbs in 10days

    My Diet Plan....Lose 10lbs in 10 days

    Breakfast:Most days its Oatmeal or Cereal with nonfat milk.If its cold cereal mix half bowl of cheerios with half raisin bran its so good.Add some fruit to it,but in a separate bowl.

    Lunch a salad add some chicken or tuna to it or switch it up with a sandwich.add olive oil lemon juice,or vinegar to your salad.

    Dinner:Baked fish is rich in Omega -3 fatty acids or lean grilled chicken breast with steam veggies.

    Snacks: I have 4 snacks a day a lot of fruit.I love watermelon,apples,bananas,grapes.

    I workout on my wii 30 minutes a day plus i run 30 minutes to a hour depends on how busy i been that day,plus weight training 20 min.Just stay active is the key you can drop the weight quick.