Monday, March 14, 2011


1. Drink water
2. Train low intencity before breakfast
3. After you’ve eaten do high intencity cardio
4. Avoid refined sugar
5. Avoid complex carbs
6. Don’t eat within two hours of dinner
7. Train with weights
8. Do some light cardio after dinner
9. Eat fruit
10. Eat vegetables
11. Increase protein foods like meat, fish, eggs, etc.
12. Take a multivitamin
13. Take a cod liver oil supplement
14. Run hills and climb stairs
15. Increase your intensity each workout


Eat leafy green vegetables

Keep active inbetween workout sessions

Swap your work chair for a fitness ball

Keep fitness equipment like dumb bells, etc. in every room of the house

Find someone to train with in the mornings

Find someone who is better than you at fitness to train with

Make fruit a whole meal instead of a snack

Replace television with active past times like walking, etc.

Join a sport team or a fitness class

Experiment with martial arts and tai chi and yoga

If you are doing weight training and cardio, do the weight training first

Choose cardio exercises that work the whole body, not just the legs

Try not to mix fats and carbs in the same meal (ie cheese and pasta)

Avoid coffee as it leads to bad diet habits

Drink green tea for its health and antioxidant properties

Drink more water

Drink even more water

Make committments to train with different people at different times in the week to keep active

Take the stairs instead of the lift no matter how you are feeling

Park your car further away from your destination or get off the bus early

Make a big pot of vegetable soup on the weekend and eat it for snacks during the week

1 comment:

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